Master Architecture course
The characteristic of these courses is that theory is combined with practice in real jobs environment where every day, every hour, we subvert ourselves and the world!
High-quality architecture always contains a reference to Historical and Contemporary global architecture. Italy is the best place for the exploration of the origin of Architecture and at the same time the observation of avant-garde design in the new works of amazing world-class architects.
Moreover, the Innovative Concept of our Master of Architecture in Italy, the combination of theory with real international work which we have realized in five venues in the world, develops a new approach on the course ” Study on work environment ” where all the lectures will apply directly to the adventure of real work with its complexity and its fascinating combination of materials, space, light, functions, and construction.
To meet clients, understand their needs, visit and work on building construction sites, form a relationship with the building company, and understand how a bill of quantity works, and how you can keep control of your idea in the real world is the best preparation for your professional career. At the end of your architecture Master’s in Italy, you will also have completed a period of practical work experience which will be your passport into the world of work and give you also a High-Level Professional practice Certificate.
Because of the Special nature and high level of the architecture Master Course in the real work environment, the number of students is limited to 9. Selection for the Master’s course is limited to candidates in possession of a degree or diploma in creative disciplines. Candidates should send a C.V. with a covering letter to the School and fill our questionnaire.
All applicants for the best Master of architecture in Europe have to know the fundamental of programs for Photoshop, and technical drawing, on Windows or Mac Os system and must provide their own laptops.
Every successful candidate will be followed personally by a Professor who is also a Professional inside the firm.
All the lectures, the laboratory, and the workshop are conducted in English.

Curriculum & Credits
MASTER – 9 to 11 disciplines 1 year ( 28 weeks.)
ADS 401 International Architectural Design
International Architectural Design studio.
The spatial organization and knowledge of how to design different types of architecture such as restaurants, houses, exhibition spaces, offices, and stores are conducted following the international approach. Mindfulness is the way to handle the complexity of problems that are harmonized with each other turning into a poetics of construction in the global era.
VG 603 Chromatic Design
Chromatic Design
Color as an element of space melody is designed to introduce a richness and variety of expression to the design. Through cultural references to masterpieces of color and the intermediate step of the great artists or nature itself, we are able to create a mood that will define the atmosphere of space and urban landscape.
TAF 304 Advanced Technology
Advanced Technology
The analysis and study of technological details is seen through the lens of the construction of architectural figures such as horizontal surfaces, openings and windows, stairs and ramps, vertical surfaces and connection solutions. The language is the contemporary international one that compares with the great masters of architecture.
TD 203 Rendering
Focuses on learning 3D render software with V-Ray or other render software to define realistic views of the interior knowing the way to put materials, bumping, lights, and choose the right point of view for a perfect realization of the interior space.
HAD 101 History of Architecture
History of Architecture
To understand the History of Architecture not only as an information of the past but as a real perception of the great adventure of the most important authors in this field (and about their life). This applies to architects and designers as well. This course also consists of field trips to the historical places and to perceive” the spirit of the place” and of his author.
CG 701 Italian Language**
Italian language**
Lessons inspired from music, cooking, film, art, language to submerge students in important cultural activities. Intended to bring students inside the experience of Italian culture with the practice of basic language skills in social and interactive excursions
ADS 404 Mindful Design Studio
Mindful Design Studio
Architecture is not only the visible building in its relationship with the city but also and above all its internal space. Understanding the client’s needs and ideas, becoming aware of the lyrical nature of interior design elements such as material, form, space and light is fundamental to creating a visual polyphony that makes a great project anywhere in the world.
VS 604 Visual Decoration Design
Visual Decoration Design
Creating the brand identity of the place working on logo, tags, symbols, and fonts and all the graphic elements of retails or restaurant, bar bistrò, coworking space, office or B&B, etc. How to define exactly the image also through the choice of colors and patterns or graphic contents on the walls which can change totally the mood of an interior
TD 204 Advanced Portfolio Design
Postproduction and Advanced Portfolio Design
The presentation of the final works to the customer is very important because is the way to depict a specific point of view of the project through the colors, materials, light, creating the ambient and the atmosphere of the image. Learning the advanced way to do a Portfolio means to delineate a strong identity for the work and have success in the last important step of the presentation.
HAD 102 History of Design
History of Design
To know History of Design in our new concept of the International Master of Interior Design, is to think that every shape of art is the manifestation of the inner vivid, and rich world of the artist. So knowing the protagonists of international design is fundamental in order to have great cultural references and their deep knowledge of their design methods of doing our work with excellence.
GC 704 Critical Visit contemporary Architecture**
Critical Visit contemporary Architecture and Exhibition space **

Studium Architecturae – Florence Design School has an Innovative approach of teaching, combining the theory with work experience. For that reason Studium Architecturae – Florence Design School reserve the right at its sole discretion to change the lecture structure, aspects of the teaching and learning process, content and numbers of hours of each subject during the course taking into consideration the students skills and the work program, in order to obtain the best result. Each lesson has 40 minutes duration. The master level are achieved wtih the minimum credits ( valid in the Star, Florence Design School ) related to each specific course. The disciplines with ” ** ” are optional in order to achieve the request minimum credits.