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From Mexico to Italy

my study abroad experiences in the interior design summer course.

Life in Florence is something amazing for the architecture and art. You can breathe tranquility, peace, and security. Florence is an ideal place to come and get astonished by its greatness and its history. As you walk through the streets you can find musicians delighting with beautiful instrumental melodies singing in romantic places. Every corner, every street is an opportunity to study history of art, Italian language and Architecture. Walking through the streets you can easily find typical Italian restaurants: from a bakery to a pizzeria to the most luxurious Italian places with a variety of delicious dishes. I recommend you to do not miss the incomparable cappuccino, the fundamental drink for a typical italian breakfast. Furthermore, how do not fall in love with the famous gelato? It can be of hundreds different flavors: fruit, creamy, chocolates and many more.
I went twice a week. It’s delicious and healthy!


I did a tour around the historical center When I first arrived in the city. what is really stole my attention was the “Ponte Vecchio” (which means old bridge), a gigantic stone structure on the Arno river. This place has always been the place of the most famous jewelrys in Florence.
Another place that astonished me was the Duomo with its amazing dome surrounding the roofs of the cities since the Renaissance age.

What I have learned in the one month summer course.

Positive point of workshop is the theory and history of Florence of different architects or designers. I found very interesting the lectures of Giovanni about perception in design: time, melody and harmony. They are constants that you can always find in the design process.Also in the composition of architecture and interior design. I am very grateful to the teachers, very good people and professionals. I found the course very exciting even if in the beginning I thought the course would have focus more on the general basics. Since I finished my first year of college in fashion design having just  a few  lessons about basic interior design. I found the course a little bit difficult for my skills since I had to design personally a complete furniture for a bar.


The professional approach of Milena and Giovanni helped me a lot to complete the difficult task and I think I’ve learned really a lot with this experience. It surely has improved my design skills. It would be wonderful to come next summer and attend another summer short course about  history of design and furniture design. The school seems to me fantastic since they give an opportunity to all the students of the world to come to learn the history of Florence and its architecture as well as its gastronomy, its people and its culture. And looking for the best projects in these times.


I think for the next summer I will come more prepared about 3d modeling tools such as Sketchup or Rhinoceros. In this short month experience I found hard to apply the basic knowledge of the software. I had on the real furniture project, so that’s why I would like to improve them. Therefore in conclusion I want to thank all the staff of the Studio that have given me the right tools, information and advices to improve in the future my design skills. Knowing Arch.Giovanni, Milena and other students coming from different part of the world, has given me the possibility to become a grown up person. But trust me, if you are in Italy and you come to study in Star-Florence Design School everything will become easier and professionality of the teachers and the rest of the staff.

  • 04/01/2019
    David Jonson

    Massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas tellus velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspend isset.

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